Catholic Communities  of   Holy Cross Parish





Our Parishes are Served by ….

Rev. Eugenio de la Rama, Pastor


Rev. John Prada. In Residence

Susana Vilela Morgado, Administrative Assistant

Fred Osterkorn, III, Choir Director & D.R.E.

Sister Dong Hong Marie Zhang, CSSF




New Parish Members 

If you would like to Register in the Parish please send a Parishioner Form request to

If you are not receiving any Parish correspondence it means you are not registered at our parish.

Sponsor certificates are ONLY given to registered and active members of the parish.

Baptisms: Requirements: Baby’s baptism and Godparent’s confirmation certificates. NO BAPTISMS DURING LENT

Reconciliation:  Holy Cross – Saturdays  3:30pm-4:15pm;   St. Anthony – By Appointment or at Holy Cross

Anointing of the Sick:  Sick calls & homebound visits are made.  Please contact rectory for more information.

Matrimony:  As per Common Policy for Marriage of the Newark Archdiocese couples must make arrangements with the

parish priest at least (1) one year in advance for the proper pre-marital preparation.